Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy Statement
The Purpose of Collecting Personal Data
The personal data collection measures of this website are used to identify, retrieve, and manage members' records. By doing so, this website allows the needs of our members to be followed through and appropriate services can be provided to address their medical needs. For specific usage of your personally identifiable information, please refer to the following Personal Data Collection Statement.
Data Collection Principle
To protect the privacy of your personal data, this website ensures that the policies and practices in collecting, using, retaining, transferring, and accessing of personal data comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) of the laws of Hong Kong.
Collection of Personal Identifiers
You may be required to provide personally identifiable information from time to time, including but not limited to your name, gender, age, identity document number, telephone number, fax number, address, email address, education level, occupation, household income, interests and preferred activities. Should you refuse to provide the relevant information to us, the Company may not be able to deliver appropriate services to you. If you are under the age of 18 years of age, consent from your parents or guardians must be sought before you can disclose any personally identifiable information to this website and/or the Company.
Direct Sales
Once you have provided your personally identifiable information to this website, you may from time to time receive phone calls, email, direct marketing mails, or marketing information delivered in other forms from this website and/or affiliates or partners of this website. For further details, please refer to the marketing and promotion section below. If you do not wish to receive such information, please write to the customer service manager of this website by indicating your name, membership number, and contact number(s).
Marketing and Promotion
We may use your personal data for marketing and promotional purposes, including (i) sending or displaying the latest information, offers, and promotional news of this website to you, (ii) sending or displaying the joint marketing offers about the partners of our programme, or (iii) tailoring and tracking your interactions with online banner advertisements and third party websites hyperlinked to our website. Meanwhile, we may also use the personal data collected to analyze our members’ preferences and market trends. This may involve combining the personal data that we hold about your use of our services with the information that we have collected with respect to your network usage. In addition, we may combine the information that we have collected on you with information about other customers in order to learn new phenomena and establish market trends. We may disclose these observations to our third-party programme partners for their marketing and promotional purposes. Moreover, we are currently using the advertising services and products provided by third-party service providers (such as marketing agencies and social media platforms) for marketing and promotional purposes. This may involve the sharing of the personal data that we hold about you with them.
We may offer marketing, promotional communications, and research invitations toyou via mail, telephone, or online (including email, your mobile device or online banner advertisements). Under appropriate and necessary situations, we will ask you for your consent when we collect your data or otherwise provide you with the opportunity to choose not to receive marketing information. You may contact us by email: info@caseconnect.com.hk or reach us at 2152 8547 (Customer Service Hotline) to indicate that you wish to stop receiving related communications. Please note that you will continue to receive our management email, account summary and the latest information on our services even if you have chosen to cancel your subscription or stop receiving marketing communications.
Data Retention
The general policy of this website is to keep the information for a reasonable period of time.
Disclosure of Information
In general, this website can share your personal data with, or transfer related data to, its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated companies and any company in which they have an interest. For details, please refer to this website's statement on the Collection of Personal Data. If you do not want the Company to disclose your information to any third party, please write to the customer service manager of this website by indicating your name, membership number, and contact number(s).
Access to Personal Data
You can fill in Form OPS003 (the form can be downloaded here: https://www.immd.gov.hk/pdforms/DAR(Chi).pdf) or request access to your personal data from the Customer Service Manager of this website through email. This website will comply with Section 19 (1) of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and follow your request within forty days after receiving your request. According to Section 20 (3e) of the Ordinance, this website reserves the right to refuse your access request should you refuse to submit the request by filling out a form or in writing. According to Section 28 of the Ordinance, this website may charge a reasonable fee to those who access the data. However, if you intend to access your personal data in order to make reasonable amendments, we may waive the fees at our discretion.
Amendment of Personal Data
You must send an e-mail to the customer service manager of this website and request for changes to your personal data. You are asked to provide correct and updated information. This website will comply with Section 23 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and update your personal data within 40 days upon receiving your request. Amendment of personal data is free-of-charge.
The personal data that you provide to this website will be properly stored in our customer service system. Only authorized persons have access to it.
For enquiries about the Privacy Policy Statement of this website, please contact our customer service manager.
(As this statement may be amended from time to time without prior notice, please check it frequently.)
Statement for Collecting Personal Data
As a member of Case Connect, you may need to provide your personal data ("Relevant Personal Data") to this website and associated third-party companies, its subsidiaries and associated companies, etc., when using the services of this website ("Related Services"). If the relevant personal data is incomplete or incorrect, this website may not be able to provide or continue to provide you with the related services.
This website will keep your personal data confidential at all times. The policies and practices of this website regarding the collection, usage, retaining, disclosure, transfer, confidentiality of and access to personal data are in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) of the laws of Hong Kong and are as set out in this statement.
You agree that the personal data provided to this website may be used and stored by the Company for the following uses and other uses required by law from time to time:
Provision of related services;
(i) Services include:
(ia) Membership benefits: shopping benefits, value-added benefits, point’s benefits, affiliate benefits, and exclusive members' events.
(ib) Members' services: telephone appointments, applications, daily operations, enquiries, suggestions, complaints, handling and follow-up of suspected suspicious transactions, continuation and termination of membership services.
(ic) Promotion products: products and services promoted by this website, its agents, affiliates, partners and / or affiliate promotion companies, including but not limited tobeauty services, medical beauty services, chiropractic services, dental services, ophthalmic services, physical examination and referral services, laundry services, home cleaning service, and sales of beauty and health products, medical products, environment products, financial product, education courses and Stationery, etc..
(id) Service opinion surveys to better understand our customers and deliver better services to them.
This website, its agents, affiliates, partners and / or affiliate promotion companies, are used to promote goods and / or services associated with related services and for promotion of the goods and / or services;
Handling benefits from or related to the services;
To provide the service analysis, to verify and / or check your credit, payment and / or condition;
To handle your request of payment instructions, direct debit facilities and / or credit facilities;
To facilitate the daily operation of your account and / or related services to receive the amount due in your account;
Meanwhile, according to your agreement with this website, we can disclose and transfer your personal data (whether in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China or overseas) to its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated companies and their companies that own the rights, and may store related personal data in one or more databases held by the Company and its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated companies and their companies that own the rights (may contain other information collected by the company and its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated companies, and their companies that own the rights) for the purposes stated above for the promotion of the goods and / or services of the Company and / or its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated companies, and their companies that own the rights and to compare other information that you provided to the Company and / or its subsidiaries, affiliates, associated companies and their companies that own the rights for the purposes stated above.
According to relevant regulations, this website has the right to charge reasonable handling fees for requests made to access the personal data. If you want to access or correct your personal data, or request a copy of the personal data held on this website, please request by writing to the following email: info@caseconnect.com.hk.
If you do not wish to receive the promotional information about the related services provided by this website, or if you do not wish this website to disclose, transfer, or use your personal data for the purposes described in this section, please notify this website by email and state your name, membership number, and contact number. Email: info@caseconnect.com.hk or fax to 3753 0474. Please indicate “Refusal to Use Personal Data for Direct Marketing” in the subject line of your email.
Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to:
1) Ascertain whether this website holds your personal data;
2) Access your personal data held on this website within a reasonable time;
3) Have reasonable access to your personal data held on this website;
4) Request this website to amend incorrect personal data.
For enquiries, please call our Customer Service Hotline at 2152 8547 during the following office hours:
Office hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (except public holidays)